Brian sent us this photo, taken from 10,000 feet up, on one of his last flights in his Piper Cub PA11 last month.
That's us in the middle... Bondi is the horseshoe shaped bay just right of centre. Fire Island is clearly visible, as is the long L-shape of Haystack Bay that leads to us.
Dwight Bay is just above our bay. In the top left hand you can just see Peninsula Lake, across the narrow divide of the Portage where the little Portage Flyer train used to run.
This photo, taken from a lower altitude, looks the other way. That's Ten Mile Bay in the background, and the Narrows leading into Dorset at the top right edge of the picture.
Even with the leaves down ad the forest carpet looking almost ghostly, Lake of Bays is a jewel in the landscape.
We think that one of the best ways to appreciate the beauty of this area takes place when we look at it from this high perspective. Brian, as a pilot, couldn't agree more.
That altitude had to be the limit for both plane and pilot . . .
PS Word verification was "ressesqu" -- what you'd have had to do to Brian if he'd gone higher