This little lady wasn't paying any attention to my car Thursday evening. Kids are like that -- they get all caught up in the moment and forget about car safety.

She was more interested in the itch behind her right ear than in the car It is a good thing to slow down and take your time on the country roads, especially at this time of year, especially in the mornings and evenings when the wildlife is moving around.

On the opposite side of the road, up in the bushes, was Momma... Maybe she called to the fawn, maybe the fawn just realized she was too far away... Whatever, she walked out in front of my car without looking both ways.

The deer don't look. They don't understand ballistics, trajectory, the sheer Right of Weight of the car. Accidents are always tragedies for the deer, and often for the cars as well.
So, when you are up here looking at the autumn colours, slow down, take more time, look both ways along the shoulder of the road, and keep an eye out for the 'kids'. We want to see them grow up too!
Whenever I've been up there I've always tended to drive slower and keep an eye out. Because they can spring up before you realize it. Beautiful shots.