Boxing Day brought an ice storm. The roads were not passable -- there were cars lined up trying to get up the rock cut on Port Cunnington; trying to clamber up Lumina Hill; and even stockpiled at the Firehall because THAT hill was too much.
People don't seem to understand how winter road maintenance works, either. You cannot put out sand and salt trucks when it is pouring rain, because it will just wash off the road, or be covered over by the ice, and after a certain number of hours all the crews have to come off the road and rest... so plows have to wait (impatiently -- the drivers want to get the job done every bit as much as you do!) until the temperature changes, the rain stops...
It was interesting to note how many of the stopped cars were clad in All Season tires, and how few in Snow Tires. As was once pointed out to me (as the tow truck dragged me out of the ditch...) It isn't ALL seasons, kids, it's WINTER!!! Worth the investment, if you drive in this country.

This was the ice, building up on everything... including roads. Pretty, especially if the sun catches it, but deadly -- wear ice grippers on your shoes, stay off the roads, hunker down by a fireplace -- or, like some of our intrepid guests, snowshoe in rain gear.
The freezing rain hit here as well. The street in front of my home is one big sheet of ice.