Those new phones... they've thought of almost everything!
Here's Brian, using the Call Wading app...
It was another gloriously record breaking heatwave day today. On the news they said the only day hotter than this on the same date happened way back in 1944. Can't say any of us remember that, but there's no argument that today was a hot one.
That heat is bad news for the blackflies, who had their little hearts set on chomping down on the world leaders here for the G8. A few weeks of hot dry weather usually puts the brakes on them. In the woods, they are fierce and hungry, but as soon as you get out in the open, especially where there is a breeze, they are hardly noticeable. We've been outside all week working on a variety of tasks that would normally leave us open to the predations of the blackflies. Lawns and gardens, putting screen windows on the stable, standing in the sand ring coaching riders, in the back field with the solar array. So far I have not needed to reach for the fly spray. Mosquitoes come out about 9.10 p.m. (you can almost set your watch by them) and at that time, most of us are heading home to roost, so they've not been a problem here either.
We give a lot of credit to the size of our open space, and the almost constant lake breeze. We know the bugs are biting in the bush!
On the other hand, they are also pollinating the blueberries and raspberries, so it's never all bad.
The lake temperature -- taken with our trusty and ancient Fahrenheit thermometer that has lived in the boathouse since more or less the date of the last temperature record in 1944 -- is 80 degrees. Put in perspective, that is hotter than it was for most of last summer.
Given the air temperature, that felt a little chilly upon first impression, but it is truly glorious. Swimming, May 26th, in 80 degree fresh lake water... Bliss.
You know the lake is warm when you see Carol bobbing about in it. She has a threshold temperature below which she stays on shore.
We were
all in the lake today. And the telephones, well, we left them behind. For cooling off and recharging the soul and spirit, lake water is the ticket. None of the phones have an app for that...
If you're considering getting out of the city during this spell of seriously summery spring weather, don't forget we're offering Super Spring Deals. The lake is included in all of 'em...
Nancy, Thanks for your suggestion to use the insect defend patches. They were a great help last weekend. Are you still using them now that the black flies are gone from your place?
We just stocked up on them for the resort. Not always so easy to find them! I've got guests 'test driving' them for us this weekend, since with the rain, in the bush, under the trees, the flies may be back. Here at Bondi with our big open lawns they have been mostly notable in their absence this spring!