I was asked for a copy of my address, so I'm printing it here. With huge thanks to my Mother, Rosemary, for sharing her memories over the years.
‘It was
three miles wide, ten miles long, and took an hour to pass overhead. The ground shook. You felt it in your bones.
In your breath.’ That was my mother
watching the 1000 bomber raid fly overhead, the moon on their wings, bound for

How many of
these young men were not coming home that night.
But she knew
what was at stake in that war. She was
one of the people to whom Winston Churchill was speaking with his famous
speech, “we will fight them, we will NEVER surrender.” He was firing up the troops, asking America to
come to England’s aid, but he was also talking to the people. Because Peace doesn’t come just from wishing.
He was
talking to us. Freedom is not free. It
requires vigilance and determination to stand up for the values we find
important for ourselves and for our country.
Peace, respect and tolerance, kindness and honour --These qualities are
alive in our national conscience precisely because we hold them as precious.
We have just
completed an election – it was a peaceful, safe, democratic exercise, the likes
of which much of the world can only envy. We enjoy the right to be free, to be
a democracy, to work together without tyranny. And we owe that great luxury to those
who we gather to remember today, men and women who believed those were qualities precious enough
to die for.
For that we
must be ever grateful.

We stand to
thank those who are still serving, on the sharp end, defending these values.
Those who go where we wouldn’t go, to do what we couldn’t do, to keep us safe.
We honour those who stand between us and the abyss.
And we
gather to honour, too, those who have returned. You can take a person out of a
war, but sometimes that war is harder to take out of the person. Not all wounds
are visible, not all scars heal. Not all bad memories fade. Fifty years later,
my mother, standing outside on a moonlit night would sometimes shake her head
and softly say, “Bombers’ moon.”
It is up to
us to stand up every single day for those who have returned to ensure they have
the support and help they may require to come back to us. For some, that return
is terribly hard, and terribly slow. I am again mindful of Churchill’s words –
success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that
We all need
that courage, to stand up and ensure that our fortunate, our free society steps
up for all our veterans. We need to
remember, as we express our gratitude today, the highest appreciation is not to
utter words, but to live by them.
Fitting words for the occasion.