Such magnificent and beautiful photos, taken by friends while they were in Algonquin Park this month.
Robin Tapley captured the muted pastel colours that paint the Park after the brilliance of the autumn leaves has past.
Isn't she wonderful, this lovely cow moose in the wetlands? We certainly think so.

Robin Tapley also captured this photo of one of the young loons, not in the more familiar summer plumage that we are used to, but in his 'end of season' garb. The more mature loons leave earlier in the season. The juveniles hang around until, well, until about now. Late November. Even early December, before heading south. Best of luck and safe migration, that's what we wish for them. And hurry back come spring!
Although this could almost be a black and white photo, the colours within are still fascinating.

Kent Nonomura was in the right place, right time, to capture this image of one of Algonquin's timber wolves, looking a bit unimpressed with the first snowfall of the season.

Jennifer Howard's patience was rewarded by this fox....

And earlier this autumn Robin Tapley caught up with this pair of hungry beavers, enjoying a light snack before returning to the serious business of stashing enough twigs on the bottom of the pond to see them through the winter. They are busy this time of year, as the cold closes in, finishing up those last 'outdoor jobs' that must be completed before freeze up.
So for those of you who think that Algonquin is a Summer Place only, we've got news for you. This is one of the best times to be in Algonquin, hiking the trails, making tracks in the early snow.
It is quiet, uncrowded and your chances of seeing the wildlife are much greater.
Early December is a wonderful time to get away and recharge before the craziness of Christmas.
It's hard to pick a favourite. Beautiful shots!