The volleyball game was a rousing one on the weekend. Not to mention a colourful one.
But the best part of it? It was not accompanied by those incredible vuvuzela horns that are deafening the crowds at the FIFA World Cup.
If you are unlucky enough to have a vuvuzela just behind you in the stadium, you’ll endure more than 125 decibels of sound, which can hurt your hearing.

The vuvuzela is louder than a chain saw or lawn mower at 110 decibels and an ambulance siren at 120. It plays a consistend B flat... and when you get a group of them (like they do right now in the stadium in South Africa) it sounds like a gigantic swarm of very angry bees.
This volleyball game was a noisy one -- but a fun kind of noisy. You could hear the players' laughing, for instance... and a loon in the distance.
Sounds that I, for one, would prefer to hear...
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