The unifying theme last week seemed to be "Read the Book."
We were assembling Carol's new greenhouse -- she's pretty thrilled, since she has coveted one of these for some time. It is a deer-free zone, and a place where she can start plants early in the season, and where her tropical beauties can linger all summer long.
The directions contained no words. We are back in the age of heiroglyphics, and let me tell you, some of the those pictures are less than clear. "Let me see that again," was the battlecry of the day. The claim that it was 'easily assembled by two people in a few hours' proved a trifle optimistic, but slowly and surely and with plenty of hands, up it went.
'Which way is up?' was asked on several occasions... and there was a great deal of digging about seeking out parts that were in fact NOT numbered... sometimes the only way to know which fastener you're looking for is to count them. If you've got 12 of the beasts, then they must be part #522, for example.
And Carol has already moved plants in. A thing of beauty is a joy forever. So true.
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