What is the matter with the crowds currently ripping up the streets in Toronto?
The real messages, the valid protests, they've just found themselves drowned out by a bunch of numbnuts (am I allowed to say that?)
Nothing is gained by trashing Starbucks. Nothing is advanced by getting into the face of the officers who are charged with a duty of care to ensure the safety of the delegates hunkered down behind the fence. A little timely reminder is in order, that the very right to protest that they are currently so happily abusing in Toronto was hard earned for this country, and that should be respected.

And lighten up... it is a fence... it will be gone in a few days. They will ALL be gone in a few days. Up here, in Huntsville/Lake of Bays, we simply drove around ours, life went on. Folks came out to the downtown to see what was going on. They got excited to see the Gov. Gen. Michaƫlle Jean drive through. They were delighted to learn the Russian President turned up for dinner at Tall Trees, and Obama sent an aide to buy him an Obama Muffin from Soul Sistas. We had some fun with it all.

The Security forces were unfailingly polite... but then, they were met with smiles, hugs and gifts of flowers. Our protestors -- and, agreed, they were pretty thin on the ground -- were respectful. People read their signs. We did tease them, just a little bit -- as you can see from the sign on the lingerie store, Petticoats. No credible reports have been received to this point as to how many of the officers were in fact brave enough to go in.

We get it, Media... if it bleeds, it leads... and we're pretty sure you were getting desparate for something juicy to cover up here. But honestly, all you twits tossing rocks and torching police cars, you need to get a life. Give me the Monk for Peace, quietly sitting in the Flag Square... or the gals campaigning for Water as a Human Right any day.

The World Leaders have left us -- and yes, while the motorcades where moving through, there were road closures. I got stuck in one. Like everyone else, we all hopped out of cars and crowded the roadside to give a cheery wave. And of course, to take a photo. Seems nobody does anything any more without taking a photo of the fact. We had no idea who was in the motorcade passing us... we didn't care.

We waved anyway, and wished them well. Please let there be some good for the World to come from these face-to-face meetings.

s for the Security forces and Military that have been lining our roads, hiding out in our underbrush, retrieving our lost golf balls, directing our traffic, and generally making sure that we were safe, all of them there to serve and protect, all of them on the front line of something bigger than we really comprehend... Well, for all of you,
Ya'll Come Back, Ya Hear???? You're welcome anytime.
You are a riot, Nancy. Nothing going on in Bala!