Big John, also known as "Grandfather Bear", dropped by on Friday. While here, he smudged my house -- a Native American ceremony involving the burning of sage, and an eagle feather, invoking the six directions and sweeping away any lingering 'bad election karma' that might be lingering within these walls. Not to mention lingering on my own person! I, too, was smudged, letting the smoke wash over my eyes so I can see clearly, my ears so I can listen closely, my mouth so I can speak wisely...

Yes, I ran for re-election for Franklin Ward, and yes, I won the seat. New Council, new beginnings -- time for a newly smudged house!
Before he could commence, he had to pass the "Achmed Test".
Tremendously generous, as always, he gifted me with a small onyx Worry Stone. I'm going to be so centred, uplifted, and worry free...
At least, that is the plan!
Big John works part-time at the Trading Post in Dwight during the season, so if you are in the area, be sure to stop in and say 'hello.' He also works with healing circles, native teachings and Ojibway medicine wheels, and he's quite an interesting chap.
In exchange for his gifts, I presented him with a Barred Owl Feather for his feather collection. He used that feather for part of the smudging ceremony as well. A little Owl Wisdom smudged through the house can't go wrong!!
I say...we can use all the help we cna get. I quite envy you your smudging ceremony! Be wise my friend.
ReplyDeleteNancy is such a giving person to her community. I was honoured that she asked that I visit and smudge her home. Her remarks are most kind and appreciated. I quite enjoyed my visit with her, the cats, the blue jay, the chickens, and all the other creatures that lurked close by. Big John