We've enjoyed hosting the Muskoka Agility Dogs this winter, in the covered arena. They've rolled in one day a month since back in November, and today was their last day. Optimists all, they expect to be training outdoors from here on forward...
For their last session, Lynda and Dan set up a Mock Trial. Everyone was out to walk the course and plan the strategy before running their dogs through the course.
There is such a variety of dogs participating -- from the little Bijons to the big Malinois. A sprinkle of mixed breeds, a fistful of border and Australian collies, some Northern Rescue dogs, a Tolling Retriever, Portugese water dogs...Something for everyone.

As with dogs, so with owners -- there is a wonderful age range. This is not a sport limited to participation. There is a level for everyone to play, and it's a great way to bond with your dog, get plenty of exercise, and enjoy a little socialization (for both people and dogs!) Over the winter, a lot of people dropped in just to watch and learn about the sport, and that's good to.
We hope they enjoyed training here as much as we've enjoyed having them here!
You do such fun things!!!!