The wild turkeys have been hanging out along the edge of the road just beyond the Firehall. This gives them easy access to the maple sugar bush and hemlock swamp on one side of the road, and to the open fields and stands of hardwood on the other side.

Which is, for a turkey, plenty of reason to cross a road.
It is fascinating to watch their mating displays, when the tom has his huge tail fanned out, wingtips drooped to touch the ground, and is doing his darndest to impress the ladies.

The gals, like this hen, are decked out in their best colours as well, including that sexy blue shading on the neck, with just a splash of red to set it off.
Drivers need to exhibit caution, as these big birds turkey trot back and forth across the roadway.

Somedays, it's enough to make you wish for a bumper sticker that reads "I BRAKE FOR TURKEYS". But then, it is an election year...
Draw your own conclusions.
I haven't seen a turkey in weeks! Too much food in the forest.