The ice moved out of our Bondi Bay this morning, under drizzly gray skies. It is still lurking out by the Points, and around the Island.

But open water is open water, and has its own siren call. Thanks to the careful work the lads did putting away the outboard motor in the fall, it started on the second pull. Maintenance does matter!

Then it was 'all aboard' for a scoot around the bay and out to check out the ice. Brian reports there is still about 3" of crystalline ice out there. If it keeps raining tonight, however, it will reduce it. It's lost its grip on the lake, now. The water is back.

It didn't seem to matter to Brian and David that it was raining. After all, that is what raingear is for. Achmed, however, had valiantly come to join us at the dock to watch the boat set off. He was less impressed by the rain drops, and made his opinion known.

He is nothing if not enterprising, however, and soon found a dry refuge. As did Brian and David, who really only wanted to get the boat into the water, check the motor, take a quick peek about, and get on home into the dry for dinner. In that, they and the cat were of one mind.
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