We went up through the back fields. She said she'd never been across the road, in all the years she's come to Bondi. Usually, she's to be found at the beach.
We followed along the frisbee golf course until we came to the old cedar snake fence. That's the one that has been there for well over a hundred years, once marking the boundary between our fields and those of Hyram Wilder's.
We found apples. The deer had been all around the tree. We could see where the bear had broken some branches. And we found some bear scat.
We found flowers that were taller than Victoria. Strawberry plants, but with all the strawberries gone at this time of the summer. Blackberries, lots of them, but not quite ripe. We found blueberries -- and those we picked and brought home for Grandma and Grandpa.
We looked at a tree the woodpecker had carved into big hollows.
There were monarch butterflies, too. Not so many this year -- it has been a difficult year for them, with the spring being wet and cold. Those we have are very precious.
There were plenty of mushrooms, all different sizes, shapes and colours.
We sat on one of the horse jumps and watched two deer grazing in the field. They watched us watch them for awhile, before moving over to a different field. Taffy didn't bother them at all. She was happy to lie down under the jump in the shade for a short rest!
We brought home blueberries, apples, some acorns and a coloured leaf. Not to mention great memories, and tales to tell!
It is a marvellous property, Nancy. And you folks are excellent stewards of the land.