We are told the Innuit have 27 different words for snow. Probably more.
There is the wet, packy snow that is ideal for creating snowmen, snowballs, and forts.
There is the wet, packy snow that is ideal for creating snowmen, snowballs, and forts.
There is the soft powder snow that is perfect for the cross country skiers and snowshoe enthusiasts.
And there is the crusty snow that works so well for making an "igloo".
Now, Kent hasn't built one of these (he claims) since he was a lad in Saskatchewan. Kathy points out that while you can take the boy out of Saskatchewan, you can never take Saskatchewan out of the boy -- and who would want to?
While his daughter Katie was carving out the floor plan for her Snow Fort Extraordinaire, Kent immediately realized that the snow yesterday was perfect for his purposes... He began carving out blocks. And stacking them with care.
Today we're getting a different kind of snow again, falling in enormous flakes. Kent is smiling... he's going to use the new snow to fine-tune the walls, smooth out the construction. And turn this into a true work of art, where Katie (and probably Achmed the Cat) can shelter and play!
That is SO cool. When I first moved to Sapporo in the 80s, I was so taken by the deep snow (deeper than we ever get in Arkansas) that I dug out a snow tunnel with a little space at the end for sitting. Soon my new neighbour, whom I'd not yet met, came out and handed me a hot beverage to drink inside there (Amazake). We became friends not long after that. I would love to crawl inside that snow fort of yours!