Native peoples attributed spirits to the animals, trees, the water, the rocks... everything in fact that shared their world. Considering how interconnected we are with everything in Nature, that's not really surprising.
Last weekend one of our guests, Suzanne, was meditating on the Main Dock. Later she took me there, to show me something on the Lookout. You have to be down on the dock, or on the lake -- you can't see this well from up on the lawn. The leaves must be off the trees...
But there is a face up there. Two in fac
t, if you look carefully...

Suzanne felt it was a benevolent spirit, watching over Bondi. We like that. Perhaps it is Paul, our father, who loved and cared for this piece of earth... Perhaps Rosemary is beside him. Perhaps...
Old stories tell us that this bay was a favourite of the local Indian tribes -- with its southwest facing orientation and it's long sandy beach, coupled with outcrops of rich clay at the water's edge, it was one of the first places to open up in the spring. It was a place to come, to apply mud-packs and lie in the sun to get rid of winter's aches and pains. A place to heal. Perhaps it's no surprise there are spirit watchers in the hills...
They are called Mimetoliths, these formations that resemble faces. Some of them are famous.
Whatever you choose to believe about them -- that they are simply a trick of the light, a random grouping of rocks, or the spirits that inhabit the land, we find them quite fascinating. The pair on the mountain seem benevolent, content, watching over Bondi.
The one out by the Point, however, where our Marathon Swim goes every week in the summer, that one seems to be expressing pretty much how we feel (tongue in cheek) when we have to look at the square box of a boathouse that is now located there...
I am going with the theory that the faces are your Mum and Dad !