You would like to think that after years of public education campaigns, focus on the environment, recycling efforts and -- dare we even say it -- RIDE programs and all the efforts of the groups opposed to drinking and driving... you would like to think that it's making a difference. That people have grasped the simple, courteous and essential concept of Take nothing but Photographs, Leave nothing but Footprints. If you Pack it In, Pack it Out. Don't Litter... Don't drink and drive. Oh please, don't... really...
We've been patrolling 'our' stretch of Fox Point Road for ever. I remember walking the road with my parents, when I was really young, helping pick up bottles, cans, garbage. We're still at it.
Brian, Mike and David were out with the Lions' Club today -- this is just their portion of the "haul". Bottles are separated out, because the Lions' Club uses the money from bottle returns to help fund community programs. Recycles get separated out, because they -- well, gosh, they get recycled. It takes a lot of time.
It takes a lot of people. So here's a cheer to all the volunteers from Dwight, Firefighters, Lions, Friends and Neighbours, who help pick up the junk. It's wonderful that you are here, fabulous that you volunteer, sad, really, that it needs to be done...
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