We tried air-layering, but with limited success. Rebecca brought with her the tools to do some bud grafts. We are optimistic that we will be able to keep these apples around for some time to come!
Bud grafts are fascinating, and fascinatingly simple. A tiny leaf bud (and yes, I had to learn the difference between a flower bud and a leaf bud) is sliced away with a razor blade. It is taken to another apple tree, where a small slit is cut into the cambian layer. The little slice with the bud on it is slotted into that slit, bound in tightly with a grafting elastic (or wax -- we opted for the elastics, since we couldn't figure a way to keep the wax warm enough today, with the chilly wind). That seals out the air, and the bud can grow into the existing tree, eventually creating its own branch -- with its own special variety of apples.
She is passionate about her work, about preserving our natural heritage, about our native plants and animals. We're pretty sure, however, that Ed Lawrence, radio personality and author of Gardening Grief and Glory, never had to work under such trying conditions as Achmed the Cat provided...
Thanks Rebecca! We know you'll be back to keep an eye on these tiny little buds, and join us in wishing them well as they grow to their potential.
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