All this, and a moon that is waxing full.... Toss in a fistful of World Leader's to provide a focal point, add a dose of protest, and the silly season rises ascendant.
District Chair Gord Adams got kicked out of the Fake Lake in Toronto for dipping his toes in the water. Knowing Gord, who is quite the sport as well as quite the sportsman, we should perhaps be grateful that he didn't try skinny dipping...
In Huntsville today, the Monk Who Walks for Peace arrived on his walk from Hokkaido, Japan to Huntsville for the G8. That's a message that needs to be heard, again and again.
As for the wolf cub at the top of this post? The photo was taken by David Harris, of Huntsville Online. According to Dave, there is a wolf den located not far from the edge of the field that has been selected for the protestors, as their "Open Speech" site. Now, we're not convinced that protestors are going to go to an empty field with a handful of journalists... It somehow seems a little romanticized and naive. We'd expect 'em to be a little more 'in yer face' and where they weren't really wanted to be in order to make an impression, but never mind...
This pup has been watching the bulldozers transform what was once a pretty good mousing ground for him and his siblings into a Protestors' Paradise. Let's hope the protestors appreciate the sacrifice this little guy and his wolf pack have made for the G8, and let's hope that their happy hunting ground is treated with respect. Although we would not be surprised to learn that alpha Wolf Momma has relocated the cubs by the time the noise levels diminish. We also expect that, if asked, the wolves would have a little bit of protest of their own about all of this...
Some of our guests heard our wolf pack last night. We wonder if any of them are sitting under the night sky, howling happily, right beside a soldier masquerading as a tree...