Just a collection of photos from this year's Dwight Winter Carnival.
Congratulations to the organizing committee, volunteers and sponsors. It truly takes a village, and some years the weather is not always kind.
That's why lots of warming stations and indoor activities were included.

The Dwight Snowball mascot was on hand, of course!!

Circus Johnathan was hugely popular with both kids and adults -- and after his morning show, he was back in the afternoon to teach some circus skills. A great and fun idea!
The Dwight Lions' Club always does a fabulous job when they run the kitchen. This was the Carnival Pancake Breakfast -- and a tasty treat it was indeed.
Brian is a Lion... and after serving most of the morning, he took a few moments with a friend to enjoy some pancakes and sausages himself!
The Bob Palmer Award, for one of our most valued volunteers, this year went to Nellie.
Irwin Memorial School Students hosted a bake table, with lots of delicious treats.
The Hydro Energy Trailer was an interesting addition, with lots of hands (and legs) on activities.
Brian found he could quite comfortably charge his phone, or watch his computer, while charging up the power!
The skating rink was given over to the Zorb balls!
And lots of folk were introduced to Archery. Dwight also hosts a wonderful 3-D Archery competition in May, with over 80 competitors of all ages coming for the fun.
Snow Painting produced some truly artistic creations.
You never know who'll you'll find!
Kids could warm up in the Library decorating cookies provided by Henrietta's Pine Bakery. They didn't last long!
Back outside, there were bouncy castles, climbing walls and a laser tag dome.
Sleigh rides, hot air balloon rides, and a host of fun games filled up the afternoon.
And in the evening, there was a show featuring a Comedy Hypnotist!
Plenty of variety,something for everyone and lots of places to warm up when you needed to helped make this a great adventure all day long.