not smoke, but pollen drifting off the pine trees! |
Brian was flying this week. So was the pine pollen...
Every year, the pine trees gather up their pollen, and when conditions are right, just toss it out there...
They work on the theory that if they put enough out there, SOME of it will find its way to female pinecones (yes, there are both male and female cones) and more little pines will be born.
But they also work on the theory that it is an imperfect system and involves huge loss, so they put out plenty.
pollen also accumulates on lakes and rivers. |
This is apparently a good year for pine trees. The lack of rain means it is more obvious, since it lingers in the air (and on any available surface!) It is good news for the pine -- lots of pollen improves pollination rates and improves seed production. It is good news for the pollen eaters, including some bee species. It is good news for the critters that later in the year will be looking to eat pine cone seeds... It is not such good news for allergy sufferers, although it is more than likely NOT the pine pollen that is bothering you, but several other trees that bloom at the same time, and have a finer pollen that lingers longer in the air. Reach for the allergy meds, and get back outside.