A member of the mockingbird family, famous for their intricate songs, the thrasher repeats all his song phrases twice. Meanwhile, when not singing, the pair make a 'chuck' call. This pair is sharing the summer with us, nesting in the garden, and easy to see.
described as looking "rather severe" due to shape of the eye and the beak, this one certainly meets that description! |
Brown Thrashers spend most of their time near or on the ground, walking, running, or hopping. When disturbed at the nest, they drop to the ground and dart into dense cover. They feed by sweeping their long bills through leaf litter to uncover insects and other invertebrates. They are slow, short-distance fliers with a distinctive jerky, fluttering flight style. They breed in such dense vegetation that little is known of their courtship; the few observations that exist suggest that a courting pair presents each other with twigs or dead leaves, after which the male may briefly chase the female before mating
They're pretty and distinctive looking.