Indigo, named for her regal demeanor and blue blue eyes |
Last July, we lost our wonderful artist kitty, Napster, at the age of 17 1/2. It was a dark day, even though when you own an old pet, you know that the day will arrive. There is a difference, though, between 'the day will come' and 'the day is now', so it was with tremendous sadness that we said good-bye. He lives on through the wonderful artwork he created, and sold for charities. But that artwork, wonderful as it is, does not make up for not having a cat snoozing in a sunbeam in the living room.
Usually, the Universe delivers me a cat. That is how the last several came to live with me over the years -- they appeared. As strays, gifts, or rescues. So I thought that by late autumn at the latest there would be cat back in the household. Taffy was also optimistic -- she missed having her personal cat. No cats appeared.
The Dustbunnies, who spent the first week mostly under the couch... |
So in early March I stopped by the Animal Shelter in Bracebridge. Now, this is something I should never be permitted to do. Apparently I have a bad track record when it comes to leaving animals in shelters. I have a bad record at saying "one is enough." So although we had done some research, and discovered that a cat had recently arrived at the Shelter who looked like she would be the perfect fit in my house, it all went sideways.
Phoebe got right to work, helping me with office chores |
The cat in question was all I had thought she might be -- only bigger. At a hefty (and dense) 14 pounds. David wanted to name her "Tank" because she was so solid. When that name was rejected as not suiting her sweet and regal nature, he tried "Gravitas", which fit, but sounded like 'Gravy-Train" which is something she does not currently need... Half siamese, half tortoiseshell, she is calm, unfazed by Taffy, sweet natured.
And now named INDIGO.
She loves being here.
The problem arose with the knowledge that two very tiny kittens had just been dropped at the Shelter. Maybe 8 weeks old... but looked actually younger than that... very fuzzy, and very much not wanting to live in a pen at the Shelter. Well, one more, I thought. What could be the problem with two cats? We used to have two cats... But... they are so small, I couldn't bear to separate them. They would need each other for comfort, in a household with a big bouncy and pouncy poodle in residence... And they were very little....
So I came home with Three Cats. This qualifies as the Starter Kit for Crazy Cat Lady, so I am hoping the Universe does not deliver any more to my doorstep, at least for a while.
Right out of the box -- their first horrified look at Taffy! |
Bondi now has cats, currently in my house, but by summer no doubt they will be in the yard, and playing with our guests. The kittens came home, took a horrified look at Taffy, and dove under the couch. We called them the Dustbunnies... They are as different as cats can be. The calico, PHOEBE, is sweet, gentle, but fierce enough to stand her ground and hiss at Taffy - who will immediately back off from this ball of fluff when she gets told.
The black and white, PEMBERLEY, well, he is going to be Taffy's BFF. He happily gets mauled, dragged about, licked and nibbled by Taffy, all the while purring like an engine. Occasionally one tiny paw comes up and taps her on the nose...
Pemberley |
Indigo has adopted both kittens, snuggles with them, bathes them, and intervenes if Taffy gets too rambunctious.