Bondi Resort Blog

Come on into our Blog for a look at the wonderful world we've got to share! With over 240 hectares (600 acres) of wilderness woodlands surrounding the resort, just ten minutes from Algonquin Park, we feature over 400 metres (1200’) of waterfront and beach; boat rentals; summer hiking trails winding through fields and woods; 20 km. of groomed cross country ski trails and snowshoeing in winter; access to nearby snowmobile trails for sledders, and a toboggan hill for the young at heart.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Megan's got a new camera

Megan has a new camera. We're looking forward to more of her photos, like this one... and you can follow her photo posts on Instagram!  Bondi Village Resort

Why People Come

photo by our cousin Robin Tapley, capturing the beauty of autumn that draws people from around the world.

The View is Better when it is Uncrowded

On the Thanksgiving weekend, the traffic in the Park and
Dorset was crazy -- but the autumn colours can be seen lots of ways that don't involve lining up in your cars. Here, for example, our guests were out hiking our private trails.  This picture is from our Lookout trail.  Off in the distance you can just pick out the Dorset Lookout Tower, where traffic was lined up forever in both directions. Our lookout, on the other hand, was blissfully peaceful... #feelingblessed #nocrowdshere #bondivillage#northmuskoka

Magical Mergansers come to Call

we were joined Oct. 17 by this lovely flock of mergansers fishing their way along the front of the resort.  They have been every day since. It is amazing to watch them when they find a school of minnows and start diving after them, the water literally boiling around them.  Fascinating, and beautiful birds!

Just a Drive on a Country Road

Join me for a drive along Dwight Beach Road, on a drizzly day -- that gray sky makes the colours 'pop' more strongly!

After the Reds

The vivid scarlet trees have 'burned down' to these wonderful orange, yellow, rust and deep deep greens... It is like moving through a painting. Autumn colours are far from over. And we can learn a lot about how to let go from watching a leaf...

Bondi Beach Bathing Beauties

October 16th, with the trees smoldering down to golden, the beach at Bondi hosted these 'bathing beauties', here for a gals' getaway. Who says the swimming season is over??? Thanks for the photos, Linda, Debbie, Eleni and Sharon

Thursday, October 6, 2016

This is why People Come for the Autumn Colours

the colour is here... nothing more beautiful, and nowhere else where you can see it quite like this. come north. #northmuskoka #algonquin#bondivillageresort

Threatening Skies, Sunlight and Autumn

threatening thunder skies and shafts of sunlight -- the best conditions ever for admiring the beautiful autumn colours.

Water Not Over the Dam = Smaller Beach

we had guests this week from Sydney, Australia. Now, yes, in case you wondered, my grandfather did name the farm for the beach in Sydney, back in 1905 when he and grandmother settled here. That was before the dam at Baysville lifted the lake 5 feet and flooded out much of the beach. Never mind, that is water not over the dam... we now have a lovely shallow sandy shoreline that is ideal for swimming. Tom sent us these comparison photos -- one taken in March at the iconic Sydney Beach, (which he says, is no fun for swimming -- too many dangerous critters, too much undertow, too much pollution from the city...too many people) and one taken from his cottage here. (which is ideal for swimming, we hasten to add.) Interesting... on the whole, we prefer to be here.

Wild About Us

Wild about Us! Here are some of our visitors today. Although it rained for a time in the afternoon, the morning was clear, and the evening was lovely and full of stars. Raccoon tracks told the tale of night time visitors. The wild turkey was right at the gate, looking rather damp. The ducks walked up to the office for a snack, and loved having puddles along the way. Tiny little turtle (yes, they are still hatching at this time of year!) was found on the driveway when I went up to the stable for late-check -- a long way from the lake, so I gave her a lift to the beach. I hope she lives a long long snapping turtle life full of good things.

Misty Morning

misty morning at the lake.As the temperatures finally start to dip, the lake takes on a different kind of wonder.

Beautiful Things

these are just weeds and wildflowers... or should they be more correctly termed beautiful autumn plants? Growing in a parking lot in Huntsville... You need to keep your eyes open, or the beautiful things will be missed. :)