Bondi Resort Blog

Come on into our Blog for a look at the wonderful world we've got to share! With over 240 hectares (600 acres) of wilderness woodlands surrounding the resort, just ten minutes from Algonquin Park, we feature over 400 metres (1200’) of waterfront and beach; boat rentals; summer hiking trails winding through fields and woods; 20 km. of groomed cross country ski trails and snowshoeing in winter; access to nearby snowmobile trails for sledders, and a toboggan hill for the young at heart.

Sunday, June 30, 2019

How we Roll

Summer's back... and so are our guests!  Welcome.

just a rolling stone...

One of our guests Linda shows off the ticket stub to the Stones concert.... not the one at Burl's Creek, but the the one at Maple Leaf Gardens in 1966 !!!

The price was far more reasonable too, at $5.00!

Rock On, Linda.

Skies of Blue, and Bluebirds

 Dave Van Der Laar gets credit for the first picture, possibly one of the best I've ever seen of a bluebird.  The rest, less spectacular, are mine.  I sat by the nest with a telephoto lens for about half an hour. 

The nest is right by the gate, so our guests are getting a great chance to see them flitting about
Mr. and Mrs. Bluebird

It is incredible how vivid a shade of blue they are!

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Still Time

Bondi Village Resort
Published by bondicottageresort5 hrs
The gardens are loving this beautiful weather ☀️. There is still time to make Bondi a part of your summer fun!

Beauty in small things dept.

How perfectly woven this is, almost all from horse hair, with a bit of moss . Probably a finch. When you consider the amount of work that tiny beaks have done to make this - almost an inch deep, moulded into a perfect cushioned cup, each strand of horse hair carefully placed, the exterior decorated with moss and tiny twigs it staggers the mind

Such Joy

Bondi Village Resort
Published by Nancy TapleyYesterday at 9:06 AM
a few years on.... but still a favourite photo,,, And we still have space for week long bookings this summer, too...
Nancy Tapley
 right -- people should be here enjoying the beautiful Lake of Bays, not stuck in cities... So please help us spread the word. Mostly 3 bedroom cottages (which we can rent as 2 if there are only 4 people), although we do have a few weeks in a super 4 bedroom; and two weeks open in a 6 bedroom that is an absolutely ideal reunion/large family unit. Please tell your friends and co-workers... maybe we can find out just how much reach FB really has.... Thanks   You could put yourself in this joyous picture...

Berries at work

Bondi Village Resort
Published by Nancy TapleyJune 24 at 9:36 PM
Wild raspberry in full bloom'

Turkey Dinner

Bondi Village Resort
Published by Nancy TapleyJune 24 at 9:35 PM
Someone enjoyed a turkey dinner by the lake. Probably Not the turkey... You have to be quick to catch a wild turkey. #nature #wildmuskoka

Of the Fields, Lately

Bondi Village Resort
Published by Nancy TapleyJune 23 at 2:17 PM
Of the fields, lately... Meredith P Boddington took these today in our back fields. What magical beings - so much beauty ❤️

The Early Fishermen get the fish

Bondi Village Resort
Published by Nancy TapleyJune 23 at 7:25 AM
The quiet start to a sunny day. But our dock was a happening place as our guests got ready for an early start. They are with us for a weekend fishing challenge. And fish start biting early #fishinglakeofbays #betterthanairbnb#cottagerentalsinmuskoka