Dorothy teaches art to Club members 'back 'ome', and this year she brought along art supplies for those interested in dabbling in art. Which included quite a few people! And why not? Art is a wonderful thing.
Just ask Napster. That is one of Napster's prints that Dorothy is holding -- on the left side of the photo. In her other hand is one of her own pieces. There is a huge difference in technique, but joy is not confined to mastery. The delight is in the journey.
Rosemary "made a breatkthrough" with her trees while she was here, we are told. The piece she is working on is certainly shaping up beautifully!

This is another of Dorothy's works, that was being used as an inspiration. Well, that, and the view out the window...
That's the other marvellous thing about art. You can find the subject matter everywhere!
We have a lot of very talented guests who are part of our Bondi family, and we have many of their pieces of art hanging in our cottages and home.

Dorothy's work is beautiful!