Bondi Resort Blog

Come on into our Blog for a look at the wonderful world we've got to share! With over 240 hectares (600 acres) of wilderness woodlands surrounding the resort, just ten minutes from Algonquin Park, we feature over 400 metres (1200’) of waterfront and beach; boat rentals; summer hiking trails winding through fields and woods; 20 km. of groomed cross country ski trails and snowshoeing in winter; access to nearby snowmobile trails for sledders, and a toboggan hill for the young at heart.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Huts! Finally!

January 31st... a late start indeed to the season, but Yep, those dots in the distance, those are our fish huts. Mike and David got them out today. There is a little over eight inches of ice where they are, and a hard packed trail across the lake, so that is all good. It's been a very mild day -- not raining, but pondering the possibility of rain, which has caused the lake to water up bringing the slush to the surface. That could be good, when it turns cold we could get rid of the slush, and have a much nicer surface to cross! Meanwhile, the boys have their lines in the water, and the bbq ready back at the house!


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