Not everybody was on the rink. Lots of folks were out on snowshoes! We have trails enough for all levels of ability and energy. Wandering up through the back fields, checking out the wildlife tracks and the gently rolling Hawk Lake trail through the black spruce bog, or making your own tracks far away from any trail, all have appeal. Quinn tracked the wolves, and found where they'd spent the night, and everyone was reporting seeing fox and rabbit, deer and squirrel tracks by the score.
Evan enjoyed having Mom do all the work while he was all cozy bundled up on her back. We're told that Brad did take turns spelling Kath off in the Carrying Evan department!
A little more energy is required to make it to the Summit. The hiking trail to the Lookout is a popular destination for snowshoers. The hill is too steep for skiers (although David has been known to snowboard down it, but he is not always the best of role models) Nancy took the picture from the skating rink, looking up, waaaaay up, to where Lesley, Hannah, Sydney, Brad and Quinn were surveying the scenery, waving back at her. Hannah said they knew it was Nancy, because they could see Holly the wonder poodle helping her...
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