Gary, from the Algonquin Inn, saw the pictures on our blog of the Eastern Bluebird. Now Gary is the kind of photographer that puts Nancy quite to shame, with her point and snap camera and her less than patient nature (take her fishing... she drops in the line, counts to 10, and figures, well, that's it... the fish had their chance!)
Gary is more patient, more ready to wait for the shot. Plus, he possesses the Uber Camera. He is a Bird Papparazzi... So, seeing our bluebird on the Blog, he immediately hopped on over to our place to see if he could add this beautiful bird to his collection.
Naturally, the bluebirds chose to remain at the farthest end of the pasture, until he had to go back to work. He'll be back... He tells us that studies now show the fastest growing demographic is photography and birdwatching, so why not combine the two?

In the meantime, he did get a photo of the Cedar Waxwings in the apple tree by Nancy's house. We are delighted to share this with you. We're also going to share some more of Gary's photos that he has kindly sent us in future blog posts -- pictures like this one of the Snowy Owl, up close and down low. These are rare birds here, but we do see them from time to time. Years ago, in the dusk, one swooped past Nancy's head, wings outstretched. They are absolutely silent flyers, and are aptly named Ghost Owls. She hit the deck. The owl simply flew on. So it goes.

Now, I don't even know how long you have to try to get shots like these... I do know that he got the pictures in Algonquin Park, right here on our doorstep.
You can drop by the Algonquin Inn -- they have a wonderful restaurant -- and check out Gary's pictures. We'd highly recommend that, if you are taking a drive into the Park, make this a lunch or dinner stop. Be ready to have your jaw drop over some of the photos.
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