I'm a bit astonished at this photograph. My camera is not a huge expensive job, rather an affordable, pocket sized Canon Powershot, and this photo had it on maximum zoom.
Sue and I could see the waxwings busily harvesting cherries across the lawn from my house, way up high. I'm really pleased with how well the camera was able to capture this bird and the cherries from such a distance!

These are beautiful birds, sociable and co-operative. Our big choke-cherry trees attract a lot of birds as the cherries ripen. Cedar waxwings arrive in huge flocks, filling the air with their high pitched whistles and trills.
Woodpeckers come as well, particularly the big pileated woodpeckers, so we get plenty of viewing opportunities.
And while we welcome all our avian visitors, we've got a special soft spot for the elegant waxwings, who take their name from the bright waxy tips on their wing and tail feathers.
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