Bondi Resort Blog

Come on into our Blog for a look at the wonderful world we've got to share! With over 240 hectares (600 acres) of wilderness woodlands surrounding the resort, just ten minutes from Algonquin Park, we feature over 400 metres (1200’) of waterfront and beach; boat rentals; summer hiking trails winding through fields and woods; 20 km. of groomed cross country ski trails and snowshoeing in winter; access to nearby snowmobile trails for sledders, and a toboggan hill for the young at heart.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Cheering a Wedding, Picking a Leader...

Good luck if you can take the pace.

What with the Royal Wedding Friday morning we'll all be sleep deprived for the weekend. Yes, coverage starts at 2 a.m., but the ceremony doesn't roll down the aisle until 6 a.m., so we're thinking to split the difference and get up at 5... (there will be tea, sherry, and cucumber sandwiches available, if you care to drop by and join Napster. He'll show you his letter from the palace)  Hats, gloves, and pajamas seem to be the dress code...

Then, bright and early Monday, it's off to the polls.  VOTE!  It would seem, according to the media, that not enough of us do.  That needs to change.  Why should 22% or so of the population elect a goverment that is going to be in charge of 100% of us?  Get out there, do a little research, take the CBC VoteCompass survey, whatever, but make a decision for yourself, and go put down your X. (this is the one Napster painted for the Municipal election campaign last autumn)

Lawns and roadsides have blossomed not with spring flowers but with campaign signs, which causes us to wonder, really, how the NDP settled on orange as their party colour.  Oceans of blue, fields of red, spots of green... and it looks like a Dutch soccer match out there in some places.  But orange is not an easy colour either to wear, or to rhyme...

Harper claims Tory blue is tried and true
Ignatieff insists Liberal red is the way ahead
May's planet-saving green is not often enough seen...
Duceppe's hunkered down with a fleur de lis frown

 the only thing, Jack, that rhymes with Orange is door hinge...

Don't despair, however. If you are really, truly stuck on making the big decision, you can always get advice from the racing chickens of Bondi Village.  Our clam race help predict the outcome of the American Election, with Barak OCLAMA clearly outrunning the competition.  Up at the barn, Michael EGGnatieff; StepHEN Harper; Jack LAYINGton, Jacques Du-POULETTE; and Elizabeth OMAYLETTE are all just raring to go...

Some days, listening to the attack ads and the  rhetoric, the chicken race seems like quite a viable option...

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