Spring showers bring May flowers. And misty mornings. Misty mornings bring soft colours, muted reflections. They are designed for wandering alongthe shore before the day gets going, checking out the water's edge. Our loons came back this week. There are ducks all along the beach. The air is full of swooping swallows. (it is a lot for a dog to keep organized!)

They are for slowing down, and taking a closer look at the beautiful gifts on offer. This intricate spider's web is created overnight. Captures the dew and the early mist. Sparks into diamonds when the sun burns through, and is gone by evening.
Woodland violets are just starting to bloom. You'll find them, if you stop for a moment and let your soul catch up. They are next to the strawberry blossoms. Just a little bit along from the trilliums that are about the blanket the woods with white.

In the garden, the daffodils are putting on a show. Mist and a sprinkle of rain bring out the colours that can bleach away in hot sunlight. It's worth getting wet toes to spend the time wandering lonely as a cloud alongside the early spring flowers. These are next door to the asparagus -- which is now pushing up out of the ground so fast you can actually see it growing.

"What dreadful weather," someone said to me, sitting inside peering out the window. "Where?" I had to ask. It is fantastic outside on a misty day, a day with just a hint of drizzle. The air is damp on your face, and soft on your skin. The light is easy on the eyes. And what is out there is just beautiful! Get outdoors, no matter what the weather. You'll soon find it always looks worse through a window. And a little mist is really just an invitation to a whole new world.
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