We did pretty well yesterday, when the merganser duck and the two mallard drakes lined up quite nicely.
The mergansers are among our favourite ducks. At this time of year, the drakes are in the most spectacular breeding plumage. Lumina Resort, right next door and a great choice for those looking for a meal-plan and activities program vacation, caught this image of our drake paddling past.
Like loons, mergansers look down into the water to find their lunch. When the little ones are hatched, it is a common sight to find the whole fam-damily, which can range up to 20 birds, fishing along in the shallows. When they find a school of fish, they all dive at once, until the water is boiling with diving ducks.
The mallards don't fish, and are more sedate in their food gathering techniques, although you'll often find them 'bottoms up' checking out the lake bottom.
I've seen a couple of mergansers along the Rideau Canal this season. I don't recall that before.