It's a bit of a family joke that raising the sails on their boat causes the wind to immediately drop...
And it's also a bit of a family tradition for Tom to find himself overturned, standing on the keel to bring the sailboat back onto even keel...
So it was lovely to see Blair and Tom out there with "Windbreaker" (yes, she really does have that name stencilled on the stern), sails spread.
A little disconcerting that Tom was already testing the temperature of the water, just in case... but nonetheless lovely for all that.
It turned out to be a great day for sailing. Our bay can be tricky for windpower -- the shape of the bay, and the points can cause the wind to shift quickly, but once past the points it's plain sailing with steadier wind.
Interesting synchronicity in the title of your blog post for me. I have yet to read this Canadian classic and it had already been placed with my pile of stuff to bring up for our visit next week. How did you know? :-)