We have over 20 km. of trails -- some are only open in the winter, because they cross our black spruce bog -- lovely when it's frozen, but a trifle wet this time of year. A heaven for our froggy friends!
About 15 km. are open year round, leading to the Mountain Lookout, up through the Sugarbush, down to the River and the Beaver Ponds, through the open Pioneer Fields behind the resort -- which this time of year are blossoming with wild strawberries, so unbelievably sweet it is worth hunting down the tiny little critters...
We have guests here this week who have been enjoying just walking by the gardens admiring the flowers... and why not -- this peony, just about to open after a rainshower, is something to soothe any soul.
Be it hiking, wildlife/bird watching, spending time out on the water or just enjoying the peace and quiet, there are places and spaces for all of it here.
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