Congratulations to the BRANIACS from BONDI BEACH -- Dave, Kitty, John, Jeff, Hamish and Kathryn, who rocked it out at the Dwight Libary Trivial Pursuit last night, finishing a very close 2nd behind the reigning champion MASTERMINDS.
The BONDI BRAINWAVES team came in 5th -- an excellent performance out of the 20 teams competing, so cheers to them: Nancy, Ann, Laura B., Laura M., Dan and Shelley.
The one question we all aced was "What is the name of Councillor Tapley's famous cat?" Easy!!!! Napster does note that he was thrilled to be included in the list of questions.
This is such a fun night, and just keeps growing in popularity. Teams of 6 have 18 seconds to confer on the answers to 20 questions per round, for five rounds. Answers are marked, and displayed on the big screen, and it' hilarious to discover what you thought you knew (and didn't) and what you thought you didn't know (and did).
Look out, Masterminds... the Bondi teams are coming after you
next summer!!!
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