Not a 'smiley face', this is one of the perpetual springs along the shore in Bondi Bay, bubbling away merrily, with a crown of algae that has wintered over.

These springs are cold! If you step in one in July or August, you will certainly know you've found one! They create lovely patterns, too! And at this time of the year, they are high and dry -- well, you cannot really call a spring 'dry', but they are well above the water line, so easy to locate and photograph!

The MNR has the lake pulled down very very low this year, ready for the spring freshet as all this snow melts. For those who know our dock, they'll be a bit surprised that you can see the bottom run of timbers!
The low water level also means that this is the time of year for dock repairs! Work can take place without wading about in the wet stuff...
Which is good news for those working with tools and machinery at the water's edge!
And it's not as cold this time of year too, so that makes the work all the easier.