Tim forwarded this report today on the Algonquin Snowmobile Club trail conditions. I'm posting it, not just for those folks who like to sled but because it's a great glimpse into the amount of work that has to happen for these trails to be kept in the excellent condition this area is famous for.
Bondi is a great base for a sled vacation -- you can park sleds right at the cottages, we've got lots of parking space for the big trailers, and we link directly to Club trails. Plus, there's lots of stuff to do here for anyone along for the ride who'd like a little change of pace. We put so much time and effort into our cross country ski trails, we know what it takes to keep trails in top condition, and we're really grateful and proud of the local Snowmobile Club for the great work they do. Thanks for the update Tim! Thanks for all the work, ASC! Ride On!!! (and don't forget the Great Chili Cook-Off coming up soon!)

"WOW, what a difference a week makes. The fresh snow we got on Tuesday sure helped our trail conditions. Below is the status of the trails.
Trail 73 Open
Trail 74 North and South Open
Trail 76 Open
Trail 77 East and West of Dwight to Tally Ho Open
Trail 78 Limited
Trail 79 Limited
Trail D101B from D to the Shelter Open
Trail 65 North from the Shelter to Troutspawn Lake will be Open after the pass tonight.
All of the wash out areas filled in great.
Bob and Simon staked Oxtongue Lake Monday and Mike Munger helped them stake Penn Lake on Wednesday from South Portage to Deerhurst. There was too much slush to stake to Tally Ho as there was no traffic going that way. Will try again next week.
Dan West at South Portage Marine will be staking the Lake of Bays soon from South Portage to Dwight beach.
Last night I groomed up 74 North to Oxbow Rd. and knocked down the snow banks on Limberlost and Billie Bear Roads to help save the carbides when the roads dry up with snow. Hope this makes that part of road running a bit better.
Taylor is out tonight grooming 73,76,65 to Troutspawn Rd. 76 and 74 South.
We are still awaiting Highland Rovers to make a pass on 78 & 79 with their smaller groomer before we go over it with the tractor. They are limited now but should be open after the weekend. That will be my next priority for early next week.
It looks like this will be the first real great sledding weekend in the area this year. Please enjoy and be safe.
Don't forget our Chilli Cook Off next Saturday at McCann Lake Camp on D101B between the Shelter and Oxtongue Lake.
For our new people on this list, here is the link to our Web Site with all the Club's info and Web Cam.
http://www.algonquin-sc.on.ca/index.html "
Trail 73 Open
Trail 74 North and South Open
Trail 76 Open
Trail 77 East and West of Dwight to Tally Ho Open
Trail 78 Limited
Trail 79 Limited
Trail D101B from D to the Shelter Open
Trail 65 North from the Shelter to Troutspawn Lake will be Open after the pass tonight.
All of the wash out areas filled in great.
Bob and Simon staked Oxtongue Lake Monday and Mike Munger helped them stake Penn Lake on Wednesday from South Portage to Deerhurst. There was too much slush to stake to Tally Ho as there was no traffic going that way. Will try again next week.
Dan West at South Portage Marine will be staking the Lake of Bays soon from South Portage to Dwight beach.
Last night I groomed up 74 North to Oxbow Rd. and knocked down the snow banks on Limberlost and Billie Bear Roads to help save the carbides when the roads dry up with snow. Hope this makes that part of road running a bit better.
Taylor is out tonight grooming 73,76,65 to Troutspawn Rd. 76 and 74 South.
We are still awaiting Highland Rovers to make a pass on 78 & 79 with their smaller groomer before we go over it with the tractor. They are limited now but should be open after the weekend. That will be my next priority for early next week.
It looks like this will be the first real great sledding weekend in the area this year. Please enjoy and be safe.
Don't forget our Chilli Cook Off next Saturday at McCann Lake Camp on D101B between the Shelter and Oxtongue Lake.
For our new people on this list, here is the link to our Web Site with all the Club's info and Web Cam.
http://www.algonquin-sc.on.ca/index.html "
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