Bondi Resort Blog

Come on into our Blog for a look at the wonderful world we've got to share! With over 240 hectares (600 acres) of wilderness woodlands surrounding the resort, just ten minutes from Algonquin Park, we feature over 400 metres (1200’) of waterfront and beach; boat rentals; summer hiking trails winding through fields and woods; 20 km. of groomed cross country ski trails and snowshoeing in winter; access to nearby snowmobile trails for sledders, and a toboggan hill for the young at heart.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Who Goes There?

Winter is wonderful for letting you find out who the neighbours are, and what they are up to.   We very rarely see rabbits, for instance, but every morning now there are a cluster of rabbit tracks around my cottage.
Up in the Hidden Lake Bog, there is a snowshoe hare, with feet the size of snowshoes!  We haven't seen him, either, but we know where he is because he leaves tracks.

Out for a walk a few days ago, Sharon and Taffy and I headed up Brian's Ridge Road.  Apparently we weren't the first to enjoy that hike -- the road sported the tracks of  a very small deer, and a pair of wolves.

Taffy was most interested. So were we, in fact.  The deer track wasn't nearly as fresh as the wolf spoor though!  I find it fascinating to look for tracks - sometimes we'll find where an owl's wing has swept into a snowbank, or the delicate all-in-a-row circles left by a fox. Or the tromp of the turkeys.

You just need to spend a few moments and actually look at what is around you. You'd be amazed.

1 comment:

  1. This time of year, of course, the snowshoe hares blend in so well with the environment, so it's possible to pass one by and not know they were there.
