Rumour had it that Mr. Bear had left a casket of treasures somewhere on the property.
Fifteen kids got together to track it down.

That involved a LOT of running, some swimming, checking in unlikely places for more clues and tracks and finally SUCCESS when the treasure chest was finally tracked to its hiding place.
Turns out, Mr. Bear had hidden a pinata. the gang lined up, in order of age, to take a crack at it.

Elizabeth was the first to take a swing!

Jack connected pretty hard!

And Izzy showed huge determination. That poor pinata was swinging like crazy!

Everyone had a turn, and the cumulative damage was finally enough that Jenna was able to crack the chest open! Treasure spilled across the lawn!
Everyone collected it, and it was divided equally, since everyone had taken part. And that's just the way Mr. Bear likes it.
Treasure hunts are a fabulous activity for kids, and a great way to burn off some energy!
A good way for the kids to have fun!