There have been some unreasonably chilly days this summer -- Tuesday, for one, but we're glad to report that Summer is making a come-back.
And to report that the cooler lake water didn't deter our swimmers for the Marathon Swim! Different techniques served to get everyone into the lake, early in the morning.

We are pretty confident that all those warm bodies have helped to jack the lake temperature back up to where it should be...

With a LOT of young people swimming this morning, we were very glad to have the Big Boat along, with all the cousins in the bow spotting the swimmes!

Because it was almost more than Taffy could keep track of... given that the water was a bit choppy. We go early because there is usually not much wave or wind at that time, but today, as the sun came back with some heat in it, the water was unruly.
Great Job, everyone! And good luck to all of you trying to keep up with Jenna... wow, she is speedy in the water!
Taffy looks as stoic as ever.