Last November, one of the fawns who grew up on Bondi's lawn was left an orphan. Mom got swiped by a car near the Firehall. Nancy and her friend Sue were the next car in line, bearing witness to the event. The car was fine. The doe, not so good. And the fawn stood on the shoulder of the road, waiting for Mom to get up.
Enough to break your heart. There are a lot of deer in this area -- one of our guests, Jason, counted 30 while biking this week, just on one ride! It's a huge reminder to the folks that are in such a hurry to get to their cottages to SLOW DOWN. These are country roads, and deer (despite everything we do to educate them) don't look both ways. Hitting wildlife with a car is no joke, for either party. They move fast, and once they commit, they often don't or can't change their direction, and -- regretably -- they don't understand trajectory and velocity when it comes to cars.
The orphan showed up at the stable a day later, looking little, and lost. She stole the chicken feed, and she came into the paddock to eat the horses' hay. They didn't seem to mind, so she stayed, and hung out with the horses all winter. She'd be found in the morning, curled up in the round bale of hay, sound asleep.
She's made some deer friends now, and is hanging out mostly with the mother of the single fawn. She still shows up at the stable every day. And she traverses the lawn, chatting up our guests.
Manon sent us this charming photo of little 'Sweetie' by her cottage last week, enjoying the after-taste of a slice of apple.
happy ending, methinks...