The apple harvest is ready. The lovely tart green apples from our Heritage Apple Tree -- a tree that was already here when Elizabeth Tapley arrived at Bondi in 1905 and that has been gracing our dinner tables ever since -- is heavy with fruit.
Hiking with some of our guests last week, we pulled some apples from the pioneer apple trees in the back field and chomped down. One of the apple munchers asked, "are these organic?" "Have they been sprayed?"
No. Actually, never, not in their entire lifetimes. Which is why some of the fruit is curiously shaped, or has a blemish on the skin. Doesn't affect the
Carol and Sue (with a little help from David) were busy yesterday transforming some of those heritage apples into apple sauce, and apple crumble. Some of that will be frozen, to bring us a little taste of summer well into the cold months of winter!
Thanks for the apples from your special 'heritage tree'. I turned them into an absolutely delicious apple crisp and dreamed about the early days at Bondi.