Winds in our bay can be capricious, channeled as they are by the points, and yesterday the winds were strong. Tom claims that is because, having waited almost a week for good sailing winds, made a small offering to the Spirit of the Bay rock out by the Point.
If he did, evidently it worked. He's been out sailing all week. Yesterday he was joined by Dave and Brian on two windsurfers. it was quite a bit of wind for the windsurfers, so some time was spent getting back on the boards. (Seeing as I can barely balance on the board at all, I'm impressed...)
What a beautiful picture they created, zipping back and forth across the water in the sun. And what a fantastic way to spend the afternoon. We rent windsurfers, as well as kayaks. These are the 'silent sports' on the lake, which we much prefer to the roar of the seadoo... We had one of those pass through the bay
yesterday, as well. Two people on the seadoo, towing two people on a tube. Which is actually not legal, but let that pass.
It's also known as "Passive" sport, because it lacks a mechanical engine, but watching the sailboat and the windsurfers, one would have to agree it was anything BUT passive. It was interactive, an organic part of the lake and the wind and the people trimming the sails.
With the lake still at 76 (24 Celsius) degrees, it's a pleasure to fall in off the boards, and occasionally David took advantage of that to give his arms a little rest between tacks.
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