At the Main Dock, an Ice Away system is operating, keeping the ice from grinding against the wooden structure. You can see open water at the deep end. Just beyond that, you can see a line of branches stuck in the lake. These mark the ice away, sort of like drawing a line in the sand. Contrary to a mistaken interview in the media, the Township of Lake of Bays does NOT require you to put a light on your dock. In fact, since we are all about Dark Skies, low level and downward directed lighting, that would be contrary to our vision. What the Lake of Bays DOES SAY, however, is that should you chose to put a light on your dock to indicate an Ice Away -- something that is entirely your choice -- it SHOULD be amber, please. Not flashing. And it can NOT be a strobe. (Get a couple of strobe lights going on docks facing your cottage, and the darn things are seizure inducing.) You are required by law (not Township by-law, but Law of the Land) to mark any hazard you create. Hence the branches. And the sign on the dock that is big and says OPEN WATER.
Beyond those branches, you can see two fish huts. One of these is Mike's new Rentable Fish Hut. Seats four people. Comes with propane heater and minnow bucket. Is strategically located where the water suddenly shelves and deepens.
Before giving a cheery wave as they zoomed past.
There's always something to see, if you take the time to look!
These shots have a brooding, cold day quality to them.