The Huntsville/Lake of Bays Chamber of Commerce AGM was last night, generously hosted at Hidden Valley Highlands These folk don't just host a great meeting for the Chamber, they open up their ski hill for the evening, and a lot of members took full advantage.
Brian and David met up with some friends on the hill, but there was little time to chat before everyone zoomed off down the hill again.
And we spotted Tyler, who's perfecting his technique on a paralympic style sit-ski. Nancy's involvement with the Paralympics, (she was National coach for the Paralympic Equestrian Team for 5 years) combined with the fact that a few years back the Ontario Paralympic Winter Games were hosted in this area (with the skiing at Hidden Valley, curling in Baysville, Nordic at Arrowhead, and on and on...) soon had her on her way over to say Hello!
He demonstrated his form for us over one of the box jumps, but although i tried to get a video of that, Tyler caught so much air he literally jumped out of my picture frame...
The Paralympic Games start two weeks after the Main Games in Vancouver, the same flame will burn for these talented and very undersung athletes. They deserve as much coverage as the athletes currently out there doing the World proud, so be sure to keep an eye on the TV coverage for glimpses of what the Para-athletes can do! Or check out some of the videos on the CPC site!
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