That was the phrase the Hydro One driver used, when he pulled up behind my car in the Park today. I was actually taking a photo of a beaver lodge, but the moment you stop on the Algonquin Road Shoulder, a crowd gathers, scenting moose.
'We're polluted with moose this year,' he said. 'They're everywhere. It's crazy.' He also kindly offered to cut down a maple tree branch for me, to help me get my maple blossom photo, but we both decided this was cheating, and I had to climb up on the rocks to get the photo. I was grateful for his interest, and willingness to participate, however!
A little farther on, past my beaver lodge stop, I joined four gentlemen from Mt. Albert who were, indeed, moose spotting. They told me they had driven through to Whitney, and were on their way back. They had seen THIRTEEN moose. No repeats.
Inspired, I drove in as far as Centennial Ridges trail (another awesome beaver lodge viewing location, but that will be another post!) My moose tally? At almost high noon? SEVEN. Including this young bull, his antler buds just peeking through his fur, and a cow with two calves, who started high stepping for the bush when they saw the cars lining up.