There's a window of opportunity between when the ice goes out and when the snow melts that lets us get the beaches raked. All the winter debris of branches and last autumn's leaves that gather along the shore can be accessed... and Brian can get to them easily to pick up the neat little piles. The trick is to get this done before the rains come and the water rises and all the neatly gathered piles sort of wistfully wash away and it has to be done all over again.
Nancy was helping with some of the raking, and paused to get this picture of Brian actually driving around the front of the dock at Clover. What a beach we must have had at Bondi when our grandparents Joseph and Elizabeth arrived in 1905. There was no dam at Baysville lifting the lake five feet or so, and this is a pretty good approximation of what the shoreline would have looked like. No great wonder Joseph named the farm after Bondi Beach in Australia!
Brian had a little more help this time, too. Achmed the irrepressible cat came along for the ride. He wasn't wearing a white hard-hat, but we got the distinct impression that he was there to supervise...
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