For lots of our families, the Marathon Swim is a Big tradition -- they even get out of bed for it, and appear before they've had breakfast - although we had to wait for Dave V. to have his latte today.
For Eamon, Claire and Owen, it started out like this on the dock --
and then went here. Yep, that's them...
Today we had a LOT of swimmers going to the Point and Back, a 1 km. swim. We had lots of guests out with supporting boats as well, helping our Sarah in the yellow kayak who was our Staff "point person" for this part of the big swim.
Lots of boats, and lots of swimmers, is always the aim, because it's more fun together.
We had three intrepid swimmers coming from the Island, which is a 1.6 km swim. While there was lots of enthusiasm at the Island, the actual getting wet bit of the swim wasn't quite as fast as Team Kelly jumping in off the dock.
The lake is currently 74 degrees F. Warmer in the bay, cooler at the Island where the water is deep.
We love this shot -- Dave working hard, and Dan hardly working, while Shelley swims alongside.
Elizabeth helped her Mom and Grandma with the paddling task while they kept an eye on swimmers. Thanks for helping us out Elizabeth!
For our swimmers coming back from the Island, once we get them inside Bondi Bay, they all make it to the dock. We think that is because of the watchful eye of our Bay Watcher in the stones at the Point. We are told that he guards the bay, and keeps the winds and waves in line. We'd like to believe that.
As often happens, our swim was photo-bombed by local wildlife. This morning the loon popped up to swim alongside, keeping Brian and his son Mike company as they made that last short sprint to the main dock.
The loons must be used to it!