Which is to say, quite a bit! After the wild winds and snowstorm on Saturday, today was brilliantly sun drenched. But cold. It's going to be 20 below for the next few evenings, they tell us, before spiking back up to about 12 degrees. The milder temperatures on Saturday plus the weight of the fresh snow caused the snow to slip on the metal roof of the woodshed. That created this interesting overhang.
It also helped create some interesting icicles. With the March Break almost upon us, there is still great outdoor opportunities for families up here in North Muskoka. If you haven't had a chance to get out on the toboggan hills, build a snowman, skate somewhere other than in a stuffy arena, ski down an alpine ski hill or glide through silent forests, if you are pining to just sit quietly near a fireplace, watching the world and the wildlife parade past the window, well, be of good cheer. You haven't missed the dog sled to winter. Or the dog sled rides come to that.
On the other hand, if the March Break is gently turning your attention to your plans for the summer holidays, keep in mind that National Geographic Travel Editors have TWICE named Muskoka as one of the very top destinations. We are currently booking cottages for the summer. Give us a call!
The days are getting longer -- this sunset was just getting itself started at 5.30 p.m. today. That means summer will be here, sooner than you think. You should be here too.
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